Christmas at St Mary's
Throughout Advent there will also be a short, lay-led Morning Prayer service at St Mary’s each morning, Monday to Saturday, at 8.30am. We’d love to see you there. Scroll down to find out what other Christmas services and events will be going on in addition to our usual services.
Advent Prayer Vigil
Sunday 1 December, 9.30am to 5.30pm
A day of prayer and peaceful reflection. To find out more, and to sign up for a slot, click here or email stmaryswelshnewton@gmail.com. All welcome, whether you're a regular at church or not and whether you pray regularly or not.

Carol Service
Sunday 22 December, 6pm.
A traditional carol service with familiar Christmas carols and Bible readings - a lovely way to get in the Christmas spirit, followed by mince pies and mulled wine.

Christmas Day family service
Wednesday 25 December, 9.30am.
A family-friendly service to celebrate the birth of Jesus. All welcome, however young and excited!

Advent Service of Light
Sunday 1 December 6pm.
An atmospheric service to mark the beginning of Advent, lit by candlelight and followed by festive refreshments.

Christmas Eve by Candlelight at Llanrothal
Tuesday 24 December 3pm, at St John's, Llanrothal.
Our ever-popular, candlelit, Christmas Eve service at Llanrothal, with carols, poems and plenty of festive spirit. Please stay afterwards for mince pies and drinks. Prepare for mud – if you can park a little further away, please do, and remember your wellies!